Meet, Cierra

In 2018, after taking in my first dog, Harlow, who was dog and human aggressive, I became one of many dog owners that struggled. In an attempt to better my relationship with her and give her a life that was fulfilling, I sought out any information I could find on the internet, devoured literary content on different methods of dog training, and watched and learned from trainers. I quickly realized that there was so much I needed to change in order for Harlow to have the life I wanted her to have. I was lucky enough to find Harlow at a time in my life where I lacked purpose, drive and had no sense of direction. She changed all of this for me, forcing me to confront the parts of myself that were crucial in creating change. Implementing these changes made me an owner who was capable, empowered and driven to continue down the path of learning what I needed to work on myself for Harlow to benefit.

I landed a job as a services coordinator at a community centre that serves marginalized and vulnerable populations. On the side, I was helping friends and family dogs, practicing my skills and sharing my knowledge with anyone who would listen.

All of a sudden my passion for helping people and my love for dogs was brought together. I am forever in debt to Harlow for leading me to my purpose - educating and empowering. As the owner of Bridge The Gap K9 this is exactly what I hope to do. Educate, empower, and initiate change for humans so that they too can live confidently and harmoniously with their dogs.